

Hauke Maathuis, Roeland de Breuker, Saullo G. P. Castro. "High-Dimensional Bayesian Optimisation with Large-Scale Constraints via Latent Space Gaussian Processes". Preprint ArXiv, 2025. 10.48550/arXiv.2412.15679 

Refereed Journal Articles

Sankalp S. Bangera, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Deflation constraints for global optimization of composite structures". Composite Structures, 2025. 10.1016/j.compstruct.2025.118916

Shreyas Anand, René Alderliesten, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Crashworthiness in preliminary design: Mean crushing force prediction for closed-section thin-walled metallic structures". International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2024. 10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2024.104946 

Please, also check the corrigendum of this paper: 10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2024.105086 

Alex Nedelcu, André Mendes Florindo, Sungi Han, Jaap Dekker, Maarten de Vlieger, Saullo G.P. Castro, Daniël Peeters. "The influence of tow tackiness on tow pull-up during the manufacturing of a composite pressure vessel". Manufacturing Letters, 2024. 10.1016/j.mfglet.2024.03.011 

Sian Ying Chen, Wydo van de Waerdt, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Design for bird strike crashworthiness using a building block approach applied to the Flying-V aircraft". Heliyon, 2023. 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e14723

Eva T. B. Smeets, Calvin D. Rans, Saullo G. P. Castro, Irene F. Villegas. "To measure is to know: Evaluating indirect measurement techniques for observing the damage tolerance behaviour of spot welded thermoplastic composites". Journal of Advanced Joining Processes, 2023. 10.1016/j.jajp.2023.100152 

Saeid Saberi, Hamid Nasiri, Omid Ghorbani, Michael I. Friswell, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Explainable artificial intelligence to investigate the contribution of design variables to the static characteristics of bistable composite laminates". Materials, 2023. 10.3390/ma16155381 

Theodor D. Baciu, Richard Degenhardt, Felipe Franzoni, Adrian Gliszczynski, Mariano A. Arbelo, Saullo G. P. Castro, Kaspars Kalnins. "Sensitivity analysis for buckling characterisation using the vibration correlation technique". Thin-Walled Structures, 2023. 10.1016/j.tws.2022.110329 

Rogério Rodrigues dos Santos, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Lightweight Design of Variable-Stiffness Cylinders with Reduced Imperfection Sensitivity Enabled by Continuous Tow Shearing and Machine Learning". Materials, 2022. 10.3390/ma15124117

Saeid Saberi, Alireza S. Hosseini, Fatemeh Yazdanifar, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Developing equations for free vibration parameters of bistable composite plates using multi-objective genetic programming". Polymers, 2022. 10.3390/polym14081559 

Zhihua Wang, José Humberto S. Almeida Jr., Aravind Ashok, Zhonglai Wang, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Lightweight design of variable-angle filament-wound cylinders combining Kriging-based metamodels with particle swarm optimization". Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2022. 10.1007/s00158-022-03227-8

Amrit Shankar Verma, Nils Petter Vedvik, Zhen Gao, Saullo GP Castro, Julie JE Teuwen. "Bondline Thickness Effects on Damage Tolerance of Adhesive Joints Subjected to Localized Impact Damages: Application to Leading Edge of Wind Turbine Blades". Materials, 2021. 10.3390/ma14247526 

Javier Alba-Maestre, Koen Prud’homme van Reine, Tomas Sinnige, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Preliminary Propulsion and Power System Design of a Tandem-Wing Long-Range eVTOL Aircraft". Applied Sciences, 2021. 10.3390/app112311083

Rogério Rodrigues dos Santos, Tulio Gomes de Paula Machado, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Support vector machine applied to the optimal design of composite wing panels". Aerospace, 2021. 10.3390/aerospace8110328 

José Humberto S. Almeida Jr., Luc St-Pierre, Zhihua Wang, Marcelo L. Ribeiro, Volnei Tita, Sandro C. Amico, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Design, modeling, optimization, manufacturing and testing of variable-angle filament-wound cylinders". Composites Part B, 2021. 10.1016/j.compositesb.2021.109224 

Saullo G. P. Castro, José Humberto S. Almeida Jr., Luc St-Pierre, Zhihua Wang. "Measuring geometric imperfections of variable–angle filament–wound cylinders with a simple digital image correlation setup". Composite Structures, 2021. 10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.114497

Raphael Ummels, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Overlap-stiffened panels for optimized buckling performance under minimum steering radius constraints". Composites Part C, 2021. 10.1016/j.jcomc.2021.100174

Amrit Shankar Verma, Zhiyu Jiang, Marco Caboni, Hans Verhoef, Harald van der Mijle-Meijer, Saullo G.P. Castro, Julie J.E. Teuwen, "A probabilistic rainfall model to estimate the leading-edge lifetime of wind turbine blade coating system". Renewable Energy, 2021. 10.1016/j.renene.2021.06.122

Lander Vertonghen, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Modelling of fibre steered plates with coupled thickness variation from overlapping continuous tows". Composite Structures, 2021. 10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.113933

Amrit Shankar Verma, Zhiyu Jiang, Zhengru Ren, Marco Caboni, Hans Verhoef, Harald van der Mijle‐Meijer, Saullo G.P. Castro, Julie J.E. Teuwen. "A probabilistic long‐term framework for site‐specific erosion analysis of wind turbine blades: A case study of 31 Dutch sites". Wind Energy, 2021. 10.1002/we.2634

Saullo G. P. Castro, Eelco L. Jansen. "Displacement-based formulation of Koiter’s method: application to multi-modal post-buckling finite element analysis of plates". Thin-Walled Structures, 2021. Download preprint (equations in better quality than paper version) 10.1016/j.tws.2020.107217

Zhihua Wang, José Humberto S. Almeida Jr., Luc St-Pierre, Zhonglai Wang, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Reliability-based buckling optimization with an accelerated Kriging metamodel for filament-wound variable angle tow composite cylinders". Composite Structures, 2020. 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112821

Jingmin Xia, Patrick E. Farrell, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Nonlinear bifurcation analysis of stiffener profiles via deflation techniques". Thin-Walled Structures, 2020. 10.1016/j.tws.2020.106662

Amrit Shankar Verma, Saullo G. P. Castro, Zhiyu Jiang, Julie J. E. Teuwen. "Numerical investigation of rain droplet impact on offshore wind turbine blades under different rainfall conditions: A parametric study". Composite Structures, 2020 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112096

Rodrigo B. Maria, Marcus de F. Leal, Edgard Sousa Junior, Vinicius L. Lemos, Patrick M. Cardoso, Leonardo C. de Oliveira, Saullo G. P. Castro, Marcelo de L. Marcolin, Darshan Joshi. "Applications of SPDM in aircraft structural analysis at Embraer". Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, 2019. 10.1186/s40323-019-0136-9

Saullo G. P. Castro, Mauricio V. Donadon, Thiago A. M. Guimarães. "ES-PIM applied to buckling of variable angle tow laminates". Composite Structures, 2019. 10.1016/j.compstruct.2018.10.058

Thiago A. M. Guimarães, Saullo G. P. Castro, Domingos A. Rade, Carlos E. S. Cesnik. "Supersonic Flutter and Buckling Optimization of Tow Steered Composite Plates". AIAA Journal, 2018. 10.2514/1.J057282

Odeny Dias de Matos Junior, Mauricio V. Donadon, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Aeroelastic Behavior of Stiffened Composite Laminated Panel with Embedded SMA Wire using the Hierarchical Rayleigh–Ritz Method". Composite Structures, 2017. 10.1016/j.compstruct.2017.08.060

Regina Khakimova, Saullo G. P. Castro, Dirk Wilckens, Klaus Rohwer, Richard Degenhardt. "Buckling of axially compressed CFRP cylinders with and without additional lateral load: experimental and numerical investigation". Thin-Walled Structures, 2017. 10.1016/j.tws.2017.06.002

Saullo G. P. Castro, Maurício V. Donadon. "Assembly of Semi-Analytical models to Address Linear Buckling and Vibration of Stiffened Composite Panels with Debonding Defect". Composite Structures, 2017. 10.1016/j.compstruct.2016.10.026

Saullo G. P. Castro, Thiago A. M. Guimarães, Domingos A. Rade, Maurício V. Donadon. "Flutter of stiffened composite panels considering the stiffener’s base as a structural element". Composite Structures, 2016. 10.1016/j.compstruct.2015.12.056 Audio Slides

Maria Francensca Di Pasqua, Regina Khakimova, Saullo G. P. Castro, Mariano A. Arbelo, Aniello Riccio, Antonio Raimondo Richard Degenhardt. "Investigation on the geometric imperfections driven local buckling onset in composite conical shells". Applied Composite Materials, 2016. 10.1007/s10443-016-9490-7

Regina Khakimova, Florian Burau, Richard Degenhardt, Mark Siebert, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Design and manufacture of conical shell structures using prepreg laminates". Applied Composite Materials, 2016. 10.1007/s10443-015-9461-4

Kaspars Kalnins, Mariano A. Arbelo, Olgerts Ozolins, Eduards Skukis, Saullo G. P. Castro, Richard Degenhardt. "Experimental non-destructive test for estimation of buckling load on unstiffened-cylindrical shells using vibration correlation technique". Shock and Vibration, 2015. 10.1155/2015/729684

Mariano A. Arbelo, Kaspars Kalnins, Olgerts Ozolins, Eduards Skukis, Saullo G. P. Castro, Richard Degenhardt. "Experimental and numerical estimation of buckling load on unstiffened cylindrical shells using a vibration correlation technique". Thin-Walled Structures, 2015. 10.1016/j.tws.2015.04.024

Saullo G. P. Castro, Christian Mittelstedt, Francisco A. C. Monteiro, Mariano A. Arbelo, Richard Degenhardt, Gerhard Ziegmann. "A semi-analytical approach for linear and non-linear analysis of unstiffened laminated composite cylinders and cones under axial, torsion and pressure loads". Thin-Walled Structures, 2015. 10.1016/j.tws.2015.01.002

Saullo G. P. Castro, Christian Mittelstedt, Francisco A. C. Monteiro, Richard Degenhardt, Gerhard Ziegmann. "Evaluation of non-linear buckling loads of geometrically imperfect composite cylinders and cones with the Ritz method". Composite Structures, 2015. 10.1016/j.compstruct.2014.11.050

Mariano A. Arbelo, Annemarie Herrmann, Saullo G. P. Castro, Regina Khakimova, Rolf Zimmermann, Richard Degenhardt. "Investigation of buckling behavior of composite shell structures with cutouts". Applied Composite Materials, 2014. 10.1007/s10443-014-9428-x

Saullo G. P. Castro, Christian Mittelstedt, Francisco A. C. Monteiro, Mariano A. Arbelo, Gerhard Ziegmann, Richard Degenhardt. "Linear buckling predictions of unstiffened laminated composite cylinders and cones under various loading and boundary conditions using semi-analytical models". Composite Structures, 2014. 10.1016/j.compstruct.2014.07.037

Regina Khakimova, Christopher J. Warren, Rolf Zimmermann, Saullo G. P. Castro, Mariano A. Arbelo, Richard Degenhardt. "The single perturbation load approach applied to imperfection sensitive conical composite structures". Thin-Walled Structures, 2014. 10.1016/j.tws.2014.07.005

Maria Francesca Di Pasqua, Regina Khakimova, Saullo G. P. Castro, Mariano A. Arbelo, Aniello Riccio, Richard Degenhardt. "The influence of geometrical parameters on the buckling behavior of conical shells by the single perturbation load approach". Applied Composite Materials, 2014. 10.1007/s10443-014-9414-3

Richard Degenhardt, Saullo G. P. Castro, Mariano A. Arbelo, Rolf Zimmermann, Regina Khakimova, Alexander Kling. Future structural stability design for composite space and airframe structures. Thin-Walled Structures, 2014. 10.1016/j.tws.2014.02.020

Mariano A. Arbelo, Sérgio F. M. de Almeida, Maurício V. Donadon, Sandro R. Rett, Richard Degenhardt, Saullo G. P. Castro, Kaspars Kalnins, Oļģerts Ozoliņš. Vibration correlation technique for the estimation of real boundary conditions and buckling load of unstiffened plates and cylindrical shells. Thin-Walled Structures, 2014. 10.1016/j.tws.2014.02.006

Mariano A. Arbelo, Richard Degenhardt, Saullo G. P. Castro, Rolf Zimmermann. Numerical characterization of imperfection sensitive composite structures. Composite Structures, 2014. 10.1016/j.compstruct.2013.09.041

Saullo G. P. Castro, Rolf Zimmermann, Mariano A. Arbelo, Regina Khakimova, Mark W. Hilburger, Richard Degenhardt. Geometric imperfections and lower-bound methods used to calculate knock-down factors for axially compressed composite cylindrical shells. Thin-Walled Structures, 2014. 10.1016/j.tws.2013.08.011

Saullo G. P. Castro, Rolf Zimmermann, Mariano A. Arbelo, Richard Degenhardt. Exploring the constancy of the global buckling load after a critical geometric imperfection level in thin-walled cylindrical shells for less conservative knock-down factors. Thin-Walled Structures, 2013. 10.1016/j.tws.2013.06.016

Data sets

Sankalp Bangera, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Dataset: Deflation constraints for global optimization of composite structures" [Data set]. Zenodo, 2024. 10.5281/zenodo.14511012 

Jonas Bertholdt. Dataset for: Methodology to identify and quantify flight path depende bird strike scenarios over aircraft (Version v1) [Data set]. Zenodo, 2024. 10.5281/zenodo.11233626 

Shreyas Anand, René Alderliesten, Saullo G. P. Castro. Dataset for Crashworthiness in preliminary design: mean crushing force prediction for closed-section thin-walled metallic structures [Data set]. Zenodo, 2024. 10.5281/zenodo.10522974

Damien Keijzer, et al. (2023). Aetheria eVTOL multi-disciplinary analysis Python package. Zenodo, 2023. 10.5281/zenodo.10222536

Marco Desiderio, Michiel Schuurman, René Alderliesten, Saullo G. P. Castro. Dataset: Fokker F-28 Fellowship typical fuselage surface model for crashworthiness. Zenodo, 2023. 10.5281/zenodo.7702918

Sian Ying Chen, Wydo van de Waerdt, Saullo G. P. Castro. Dataset for design for bird strike crashworthiness using a building block approach applied to the Flying-V aircraft (2022-11-01) [Data set]. Zenodo, 2022. 10.5281/zenodo.7270376 

Yanwei Zhang, Zhonglai Wang,  Saullo G. P. Castro. Dataset for reliability-based lift-to-power consumption optimization with an accelerated Kriging model for clapping-wing micro air vehicles [Data set]. Zenodo, 2022. 10.5281/zenodo.7275122 

Yanwei Zhang, Zhonglai Wang, Saullo G. P. Castro. Dataset for bionic simulation of double clap-and-fling wing mechanism with SPH FSI method [Data set]. Zenodo, 2022. 10.5281/zenodo.7256436 

Paolo Minigher, Janto Gundlach, Saullo G. P. Castro. ISTAR Demo Wing Abaqus Model [Data set]. Zenodo, 2022. 10.5281/zenodo.7030874

Saullo G. P. Castro, Paul Lancelot. pCRM9 aeroelastic aircraft wing model for NASTRAN without RBE2 [Data set]. Zenodo, 2022. 10.5281/zenodo.6384059 

Saullo G. P. Castro, Eelco Jansen. Dataset for displacement-based multi-modal formulation of Koiter's method applied to cylindrical shells (2021-12-03) [Data set]. Zenodo, 2021. 10.5281/zenodo.5667978

Deacon Foulds, Johannes Knebusch, Janto Gundlach, Saullo G. P. Castro, Yves Govers. SmartBlades 2.0 Rotor Blade Nastran Models (Version 2021-11-26) [Data set]. Zenodo, 2021. 10.5281/zenodo.5729717

Saullo G. P. Castro, José Humberto S. Almeida Jr. VAFW cylinders 2020, S1, S2, S4, S8, DIC raw data (Version 2021-03-16) [Data set]. Zenodo, 2021. 10.5281/zenodo.4608398

Saullo G. P. Castro, José Humberto S. Almeida Jr. VAFW cylinders 2020, S1, S2, S4, S8, stitched imperfections (Version 2021-03-04) [Data set]. Zenodo, 2021. 10.5281/zenodo.4581164

Saullo G. P. Castro. Impact hammer test of an Aluminium 6082 T6 plate, 260 x 246 x 1.5 mm, free boundary conditions [Data set]. Zenodo, 2022. 10.5281/zenodo.6813857

Chapter in Books

Book: Stability and Vibrations of Thin-Walled Composite Structures (View/Download)

ISBN: 9780081004104

Edited by

Haim Abramovich

Technion, I.I.T., Haifa, Israel

Authored Chapter 7: Stability of Composite Shell-Type Structures (View/Download):

7.2 Geometric imperfections and lower-bound methods used to calculate knockdown factors for composite cylindrical shells

7.3 Semianalytical approaches for linear and nonlinear buckling analyses of imperfect composite cylinders under axial, torsional, and pressurization loads

Conference Proceedings

Tiago Ferreira da Costa, Andrea Villa, Calvin Rans, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Crashworthiness Assessment of the Flying-V Under Complex Crash Scenarios With Partially Detailed Structures". AIAA Scitech 2025 Forum. 10.2514/6.2025-0622. View/Download

Arne Schiller, Saullo G. P. Castro, Chiara Bisagni. "Analytical Solution for the Displacement Field in Composite Single-Lap Shear Joints with Zero-Thickness Interfaces". AIAA Scitech 2025 Forum. 10.2514/6.2025-2338. View/Download

Mohamed El-Alfy, Roeland De Breuker, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Towards efficient analysis of postbuckling in aircraft stiffened structures". ICAS 2024. View/Download

Hauke F. Maathuis, Saullo G. P. Castro, Roeland De Breuker. "Exploring multi-fidelity aeroelastic tailoring: prospect and model assessment". ICAS 2024. View/Download

Damien Keijzer, Carmelo Simon Soria, Jorick Arends, Barkin Sarigol, Fulvio Scarano, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Design of a Hydrogen-Powered Crashworthy eVTOL Using Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design Optimization". AIAA Scitech 2024 Forum. 10.2514/6.2024-2474. View/Download

Shreyas Anand, René Alderliesten, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Low-fidelity crashworthiness assessment of unconventional aircraft: Modelling of plastic bending". AIAA Scitech 2024 Forum. 10.2514/6.2024-0833. View/Download

Hauke F. Maathuis, Roeland De Breuker, Saullo G. P. Castro. "High-Dimensional Bayesian Optimisation with Large-Scale Constraints - An Application to Aeroelastic Tailoring". AIAA Scitech 2024 Forum. 10.48550/arXiv.2312.08891 

Shreyas Anand, René Alderliesten, Saullo G. P. Castro. "A review of analytical models for determining the behavior of metallic tubular structures submitted to axial crushing". Proceedings of the ASME 2023 Aerospace Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference. San Diego, California, USA. June 19 - 21, 2023. 10.1115/SSDM2023-108398. View/Download 

Marco Desiderio, Michiel Schuurman, René Alderliesten, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Crashworthiness of the Flying-V aircraft concept with vertical drop test simulations". Aerospace Structural Impact Dynamics International Conference - ASIDIC 2023. Wichita, KA, USA, June 20 - 23. 10.31224/3034. View/Download

Hammad Rahman, Roeland De Breuker, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Simultaneous Layout, Sizing and Topology Optimization of Stiffened Panels using CAD-based Parameterization". AIAA Scitech 2023 Forum. 10.2514/6.2023-1090 . View/Download   Watch Presentation

Higor Luis Silva, Thiago A. M. Guimarães, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Design and aeroelastic analysis of truss-based modular wing structures". AIAA Scitech 2023 Forum. 10.2514/6.2023-1677. View/Download Watch Presentation

Eva Smeets, Calvin Rans, René Alderliesten, Saullo G. P. Castro, Irene F. Villegas. "Measurement of damage growth in ultrasonic spot welded joints". ECCM 2022 - Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Composite Materials. View/Download

Hammad Rahman, Roeland De Breuker, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Optimal design of stiffened panels under buckling constraints: a design methodology considering CAD-based parameterization with simultaneous layout and sizing optimization". Conference: 33rd Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical SciencesAt: Stockholm, Sweden, 2022. View/Download

Saullo G. P. Castro and Eelco L. Jansen. “Displacement-Based Multi-Modal Formulation of Koiter’s Method Applied to Cylindrical Shells”. AIAA Scitech 2022 Forum. 10.2514/6.2022-0256. View/Download   Watch Presentation

Noah S. López, Alejandro M. Santamaría, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Preliminary aerodynamic design and load calculation of a long-range eVTOL aircraft". AIAA Scitech 2022 Forum. 10.2514/6.2022-1331. View/Download Watch Presentation

Jakob Schoser, Miguel Cuadrat-Grzybowski, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Preliminary control and stability analysis of a long-range eVTOL aircraft". AIAA Scitech 2022 Forum. 10.2514/6.2022-1029. View/Download   Watch Presentation

Egon E. Beyne and Saullo G. P. Castro. "Preliminary performance assessment of a long-range eVTOL aircraft". AIAA Scitech 2022 Forum. 10.2514/6.2022-1030. View/Download   Watch Presentation

Kaizad Wadia, Michael Buszek, Nikita Poliakov, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Preliminary design and analysis of crashworthy structures for a long-range eVTOL aircraft". AIAA Scitech 2022 Forum. 10.2514/6.2022-1485. View/Download   Watch Presentation

Túlio G. Machado,  José A. Hernandes, Victor N. Capacia,  Saullo G. P. Castro. “Design of Compressed Variable Stiffness Panels with Steering-Thickness Coupling". AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum. 10.2514/6.2021-0568. View/Download   Watch Presentation

Thomas A. Janssens and Saullo G. P. Castro. “Semi-Analytical Modelling of Variable Stiffness Laminates with Cut-Outs”. AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum. 10.2514/6.2021-0440. View/Download   Watch Presentation

Victor N. Capacia, Sérgio F. Almeida, Saullo G. P. Castro. “Circumferential and Radial Lamina Application for Natural Frequencies Problems”. AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum. 10.2514/6.2021-0570. View/Download   Watch Presentation

Amrit S. Verma, Saullo G. P. Castro, Zhiyu Jiang, Weifei Hu, Julie J. E. Teuwen. "Leading edge erosion of wind turbine blades: Effects of blade surface curvature on rain droplet impingement kinematics". Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1618, The Science of Making Torque from Wind, 28 September - 2 October 2020, The Netherlands (online). View/Download

Victor N. Capacia, José A. Hernandes, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Composite panel optimization using lamination parameters and inverse distance weighting interpolation". Proceedings of the 25th ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM 2019). Brazil, Uberlândia-MG. DOI: 10.26678/ABCM.COBEM2019.COB2019-1745, 2019. View/Download

Mauricio V. Donadon, Mariano A. Arbelo, Paulo Rizzi, Carlos V. Montestruque, Lucas Amaro, Saullo G. P. Castro, Marcos Shiino. "A multiaxial fatigue damage model for isotropic materials". In: Niepokolczycki A., Komorowski J. (eds) ICAF 2019 – Structural Integrity in the Age of Additive Manufacturing. ICAF 2019. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham. View/Download

Raul Olympio, Mauricio V. Donadon, Saullo G. P. Castro. "An active-passive nonlinear finite element model for electromechanical composite morphing beams". 31st Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2018 (2018). Belo Horizonte, Brazil. View/Download

Thiago A. Guimaraes, Saullo G. P. Castro, Domingos A. Rade, and Carlos E. Cesnik. "Panel Flutter Analysis and Optimization of Composite Tow Steered Plates", 58th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2017-1118). View/Download

Guilherme P. P. Abreu, Saullo G. P. Castro, José A. Hernandes. "A tool for local buckling optimization of composite panels using NASTRAN® SOL 200", Proceedings of the 24th ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM 2017). Brazil, Curitiba-PR. doi://10.26678/ABCM.COBEM2017.COB17-2396, 2017. View/Download 

Kaspars Kalnins, Mariano Arbelo, Olgerts Ozolins, Saullo Castro, Richard Degenhardt. "Numerical characterization of the knock-down factor on unstiffened cylindrical shells with initial geometric imperfections", Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19-24, 2015. View/Download

Victor M Casado, Svend Hinsch, Jesús Gómez García, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Effect of initial geometrical imperfections on the buckling load of cylindrical sandwich shells under axial compression", Proceedings of the European conference on spacecraft structures, materials & environmental testing”, Braunschweig , Germany. April 1-4, 2014. View/Download

Kaspars Kalnins, Olgerts Ozoliņš, Mariano A. Arbelo, Saullo G. P. Castro, Richard Degenhardt. “Experimental characterization of buckling on composite cylinders shells with eccentric supports”, Proceedings of the European conference on spacecraft structures, materials & environmental testing”, Braunschweig , Germany. April 1-4, 2014. View/Download

Pavel Schoř, Saullo G. P. Castro, Mariano A. Arbelo, Richard Degenhardt. “Processing of imperfections signatures from composite cylindrical shells for representative finite element models”, Proceedings of the European conference on spacecraft structures, materials & environmental testing”, Braunschweig , Germany. April 1-4, 2014.

Saullo G. P. Castro, Christian Mittelstedt, Francisco A. C. Monteiro, Mariano A. Arbelo, Regina Khakimova, Richard Degenhardt. "Ritz method for the analysis of unstiffened laminated composite cylinders and cones under axial compression". Proceedings of the 54th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Tel Aviv and Haifa, Israel. February 25-56, 2014. View/Download

Kaspars Kalnins, Olgerts Ozoliņš, Mariano A. Arbelo, Richard Degenhardt, Saullo G. P. Castro. “Verification Study on Buckling Behaviour of Composite Cylinder with Eccentric Supports”. Proceedings of the 54th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Tel-Aviv and Haifa, Israel. February 19-20, 2014. View/Download

Regina Khakimova, Saullo G. P. Castro, Mariano A. Arbelo, Richard Degenhardt. “Investigating the buckling behaviour of imperfection sensitive conical composite structures subjected to Single Perturbation Load Approach”. Proceedings of the 54th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Tel-Aviv and Haifa, Israel. February 19-20, 2014. View/Download

Regina Khakimova, Rolf Zimmermann, Saullo G. P. Castro, Richard Degenhardt, Mariano A. Arbelo. “Buckling and Postbuckling of Truncated Conical Shells with Varying Semi-Vertex Angle: The Use of the Single Perturbation Load Approach”. Proceedings of the 54th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Tel-Aviv and Haifa, Israel. February 19-20, 2014. View/Download

Mariano A. Arbelo, Saullo G. P. Castro, Regina Khakimova, Richard Degenhardt. “Improving the Correlation of Finite Element Models Using Vibration Correlation Technique on Composite Cylindrical Shells”. Proceedings of the 54th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Tel-Aviv and Haifa, Israel. February 19-20, 2014. View/Download

Regina Khakimova, Saullo G. P. Castro, Mariano A. Arbelo, Richard Degenhardt, Klaus Rohwer, Rolf Zimmermann, Gerrit Quappen, Svend Hinsch “Studies of Impefection Sensitive Conical Composite Structures”. 21st International Annual Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE), Tenerife, Spain. July 21-27,  2013.

Mariano A. Arbelo, Richard Degenhardt, Saullo G. P. Castro, Rolf Zimmermann. “Numerical characterization of imperfection sensitive composite structures”, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS17), Porto, Portugal. June 17-21, 2013.

Mariano A. Arbelo, Rolf Zimmermann, Saullo Castro, Richard Degenhardt. “Comparison of new Design Guidelines for Composite Cylindrical Shells prone to Buckling”. Proceedings of the ICCST-9 Conference, Sorrento, Italy. April 24-26, 2013. View/Download

Vinicius L. Lemos, Saullo G. P. Castro, José A. Hernandes. "Integrating automatic zone modeling with GA in a two-step approach for structural optimization of a composite wing". Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Engineering Optimization (ENGOPT), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. July 1 - 5, 2012. View/Download   Poster View/Download

Thiago A. M. Guimaraes, José A. Hernandes, Saullo G. P. Castro. "A two-step approach to multi spar composite vertical empennage structure optimization". Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Engineering Optimization (ENGOPT), Lisbon, Portugal. September 6 - 9, 2010. View/Download

Thiago A. M. Guimaraes, José A. Hernandes, Saullo G. P. Castro. "Multi spar composite vertical empennage structure optimization". Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Engineering Optimization (ENGOPT), Lisbon, Portugal. September 6 - 9, 2010. View/Download

Saullo G. P. Castro, Thiago A. M. Guimaraes, José A. Hernandes. "Comparison of free stacking sequence approach (T-THETA) versus a predefined 0/+45/-45/90 sequence in a typical aircraft wing optimization". Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Engineering Optimization (ENGOPT), Lisbon, Portugal. September 6 - 9, 2010. View/Download   Poster View/Download

Saullo G. P. Castro, Thiago A. M. Guimaraes, José A. Hernandes. "Composite optimization performance comparison between Genesis's BIGDOT and modeFRONTIER's MOGA II algorithms". Proceedings of the VI Congresso Nacional de Engenharia Mecânica (CONEM), Campina Grande-PB, Brazil. August 18 - 21, 2010. View/Download   Poster View/Download

Saullo G. P. Castro, José A. Hernandes, Flávio L. S. Bussamra, Wagner M. Ponciano. "Finding optimal genetic algorithm parameters for a composite wing optimization". Proceedings of the 11th Pan-American Congress of Applied Mechanics (PACAM XI), Foz do Iguacu-PR, Brazil. January 4 - 8, 2010. View/Download   Slides View/Download

Saullo G. P. Castro, José A. Hernandes, Eliseu Lucena Neto. "Composite wing optimization with progressive mesh refinement". Proceedings of COBEM 2009. 20th International Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM), Gramado-RS, Brazil. November 15 - 20, 2009. View/Download   Poster View/Download

Saullo G. P. Castro, José A. Hernandes, Eliseu Lucena Neto. "Otimização eficiente de asa em material compósito via algoritmo genético". Congresso de Métodos Numéricos en Ingenieria (METNUM), Barcelona, Spain. June 29 - July 2, 2009. View/Download   Slides View/Download


Saullo G. P. Castro. "Semi-Analytical Tools for the Analysis of Laminated Composite Cylindrical and Conical Imperfect Shells under Various Loading and Boundary Conditions". Technische Universität Clausthal, 9th of December, 2014. View/Download   Slides View/Download   PhD Thesis presentation

Saullo G. P. Castro. "Otimização eficiente de asa em material compósito via algoritmo genético", 2009. 228f. Dissertação de Mestrado Profissionalizante em Engenharia Aeronáutica e Mecânica - Área de Mecânica dos Sólidos e Estruturas - Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), Sao José dos Campos.  View/Download   Slides View/Download